Madison Denk Madison Denk

Four ways to Experience Rebirth This Spring

This blog was written for the featured article of the month for The Busy Witch, a metaphysical based store driven to assist you in growing your spiritual practice & to keep you well stocked up on your sacred tools. To view the original posting, click here.

Each month is symbolic and carries deep wisdom.

 Wisdom that connects us to the natural rhythms of Earth when we intentionally align our life with what it has to say. April houses Spring and symbolizes a time to gently begin opening ourselves up to new possibilities (rebirth) as we reemerge after a cold winter (death). In fact, the Latin meaning of the word April is “to open”.

Here are 4 ways you can get in sync with this renewing energy of April:

1.      Connect With the Heart Chakra

April is rich with joy as it houses Spring, which is the season of fresh beginnings, blooming potential, and budding love. To connect with this within yourself, look no further than the Heart Chakra.

There are endless ways to do this, but here are my favorites:

·        Begin and end your day by sitting with the feeling of gratitude for 5 minutes

·        Connect with heart opening crystals – rose quartz, rhodochrosite, malachite, and green aventurine are my tried-and-true stones (click here to shop crystals at The Busy Witch)

·        Drink rose tea with the sun rise

·        Practice heart opening yoga poses-cobra, low lunge, dancers pose, and easy pose are great places to start.


2.      Connect with Sacral Chakra

If the heart is the blooming flowers of April, then the sacral chakra is the fertile soil that anchors it into creation. You can’t have love and birth without creative (and sexual) energy.

Ways to connect with your Sacral Chakra:

·        Finish your breakfast with an orange

·        Get creative- paint, write, sing, dance, whatever gets you into your flow state!

·        Do a body scan at bedtime and practice identifying your emotions and feeling where they live in your body

·        Practice hip opening stretches


3.      Eat Green Food

April is when we get to reconnect with the lush, new plant life from mama Earth! Eating in season is good for your health and your budget.

Here are some Springtime greens that are in season in April:

·        Brussel sprouts

·        Spinach

·        Asparagus

·        Broccoli


4.      Connect with Wood Element

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the five elements (earth, wood, fire, metal, and water) reveal the stages in which energy moves and transforms naturally. When we sync with these cycles, we reconnect with our own true nature.

 Ways to connect with the Springtime element of wood:

·        Take a walk outside in nature each afternoon

·        Bring a new house plant home

·        Diffuse essential oil blends that contain sandalwood, cedar, or vetiver.

·        Eat your greens (See above!)


Rebirth is not something we have to strive for and try to do.

It happens naturally and when we get out of our own way, we get to experience the gifts that come along with its lessons. We tend to get in our own way when we live out of alignment with our true nature. Rushing when we need rest, saying yes when we want to say no, and being inflexible with life’s changes are all ways we get in our own way.

To restore your natural flow this Spring, try these suggestions and watch as you open up to your true Self.

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Madison Denk Madison Denk

The ONE Thing That Really Helps When You Feel Stuck

Do you feel there is a gap between who you want to be and who you are? Perhaps the gap is widening, and the fear that you will be stuck in this one place forever is creeping in. No matter how hard you try, you can't seem to make any headway towards a life that excites you. Whether it’s creating a healthier relationship with food, overcoming negative thought patterns, or stepping into a more authentic version of yourself, this disconnect is causing you to lose hope altogether.

 You may surmise that there is something wrong with you on a fundamental level, or you just haven't found the missing piece of the puzzle. So you push through anything that gets in your way and chase the next credential, diet, or relationship that will unlock your happiness. 


But the truth is, you are avoiding the painful discomfort of confronting your outdated beliefs.


The world and everyone, and everything on it, is constantly evolving. This gradual development is what makes life, life. It goes something like this:

  1. We experience something (an event, a feeling, a sensation, etc.)

  2. We make a judgment, whether it is "good" or "bad," based on how it makes us feel.

  3. We shift accordingly. Either towards more of that thing or in the total opposite direction towards something we deem as "better."

  4. Rinse and repeat.


As we develop beliefs around what a better life would look like, our future self (also known as the Higher Self) instantly becomes that on an energetic level. But the physical abides by the laws of nature and moves at a much slower pace. So how do you close the vibrational gap between your current self and your future self?




Practice is the real-life application of an idea or belief. 


Turning a theory into a practice isn't about mastering a skill. It is to take consistent, aligned action towards what you believe in and (lovingly) confronting all of your forgotten parts that don't even believe that you can achieve a level of mastery. 

 To believe in something is the spark that activates your movement. To apply those ideals to your everyday habits is what sets your soul on fire. 

 For example, a core yogic ideal is that staying in balance will bring a sense of peace to your life. If this resonates as truth for you, it will inspire you to show up to your weekly Hatha yoga class. But if you are snapping at loved ones outside the studio or hurling curses at your fellow commuters, that is a red flag that you are not living by your ideals.


Here are five ways you can practice living by your beliefs:


  1. Be intentional

When we walk around on auto-pilot, the subconscious mind runs the show. The subconscious mind is a data bank full of every past belief, experience, and memory. It will keep giving you more of the same unless you intentionally choose a new way of doing something. 

 You get to choose your intention based on your goals. For example, you can practice focusing on the present moment with the intention of noticing unhelpful thoughts as they arise. Or, you can perform a specific exercise with the intention of developing a new skill.

 When we move from a place of conscious intention, we influence our experience of the world around us.


     2. Slow down

Moving with the pace of nature goes hand in hand with being intentional with our words, thoughts, and behaviors. It can be difficult, if not impossible, to be mindful of our current habits when running around trying to keep up with the Joneses. 

 Now, I know this is not always possible. Some tasks and seasons of life challenge us and require us to think and move quickly. But constant rushing around will lead to burnout. Be flexible with your energy, and remember to return to your natural state to reset. 


   3. Set reminders

Setting reminders and scheduling time to practice can set you up for success when making changes. For example, setting aside ten minutes in the morning to practice meditation before you shower for the day ensures you have the time and space to commit to yourself. Or setting a timer to go off at the top of every hour with a reminder to take three deep breaths.

 Automated reminders help take the pressure off remembering essential practices and help build habits easily. 


     4. Check your expectations

Remember, it takes time for the physical to show what the spirit knows. I know this doesn't jive with our culture of instant gratification. Still, if you are quitting your practice after a few days, unrealistic expectations may be derailing you from your aspirations. 

 Thoughts such as, "I should be good at this by now" may be showing you that you are putting too much pressure on yourself and suffering from perfectionism. Try acknowledging your feelings and reframing this thought to a more supportive one, such as, "I know it can be frustrating for me not to catch on quickly. But I know I am capable of doing new things if I can be patient with myself."

   5. Enlist support

Speaking of unrealistic expectations, thinking you have to do everything alone is isolating and setting yourself up for failure. We are all stronger together, and it does not make you weak by asking for help. Ask a friend to join you in your yoga practice, hire a coach to assist with accountability, or communicate your goals and intentions with your partner, so you are on the same page.

 For the fiercely independent types that aren't ready for that type of vulnerability just yet, research highly-rated apps that can support your daily practices. For example, if you are practicing changing unhelpful thoughts, the CBT Thought Diary app will remind you once a day to log your mood and offer spaces to write down your thoughts and reframe them in a healthier way.


The process of becoming who we want to be is not easy. You can expect challenges and the resistance of many years of conditioning. But rest assured, there is nothing wrong with you. There is no grand, complex piece of the puzzle waiting to be found so you can finally see the bigger picture. Only the mundane, seemingly insignificant, but intricately powerful daily practices will deliver you to your future.


If you are ready to up level your practices and step into your future self, book a free clarity call to see if working together is right for you.

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Madison Denk Madison Denk

An Invitation to Live with an Open Heart

The Heart is the connection to the world. If you are feeling disconnected to the world around you, you are most likely disconnected from yourself as well.

The Full Snow Moon is coming and it got me thinking about change, growth, and the renewal of Spirit. We have reached the midpoint of winter here in the Midwest, and the chill is beginning to settle in. As we look forward to the warmer days of Spring, we are asked to reflect on how we have transformed. Have we opened our hearts to share our gifts with the world or have we pulled the frigid cold inward?

To live a life with a frozen heart is to live in coldness, defined by difficulties, and in the absence of love. None of these are conducive to human life.

Hard times are not meant to swallow us whole. Challenges are there to determine the truth. It is a demand for proof that what you say you want is aligned with who you are. We are not meant to set up camp in the dark, but rather find the fire within and remember the very truth of who we are and what we are made of.

It takes courage to harness this fire and move forward with an open heart. But this act of love melts ice into water, and fear into love.

Signs you are struggling with an armored heart:

  •   Experiencing frequent bouts of loneliness

  • Tend to isolate yourself

  • Tend to hold grudges

  • Have difficulties receiving (love, help, support, etc.)

  • Have difficulties giving

  • Frequent feelings of jealousy

  • Feeling overly territorial or defensive

  • Difficulties establishing safety

  • Difficulties establishing your uniqueness

  • Difficulties trusting

  • Associate love with danger

  • People please to establish connections

  • Ultra-competitiveness

  • Heart conditions such as anxiety, arrhythmia, hypertension, circulatory problems, etc.

Here is an exercise to reconnect with your heart:

  1. Sit or lie down somewhere you feel comfortable. You can choose to sit in silence, by a window to hear the birds singing, or play your favorite relaxing music.

  2. Begin by connecting to your breath. While you breath in through your nose expand your belly outward, and as breath out through your mouth, retract your belly button towards your spine. As thoughts arise, gently brush them to the side.

  3. After a few minutes or so, bring your awareness to your chest, the area of the body that houses your heart and heart chakra center.

  4. Place your hand over your heart and identify any physical sensations you feel. For example, tightness, tingles, contractions, radiating, buzzing, etc. Do this for a few minutes until you have fully sat with the sensations and no new ones are arising.

  5. Ask your heart what emotions are tied to these sensations, what do they want to tell you, and finally, what do they need from you?

  6. Do your best to validate your emotions and meet their needs. Maybe it’s saying something like “I am sorry that happened to you. I completely understand why you feel that way” or “I love you, I am here for you, and I will never leave you”.

  7. Imagine that you are sending loving energy out from the palm of your hand into your heart. You can get as creative as you want! Give it a color, a word, or if you are attuned to Reiki this is a great time to use it.

  8. When you’re done take a moment to process what came up. Do you need to cry, write, or go on a walk to move some dense energy out? Can you integrate what your emotions told you by making changes to your daily lifestyle and rhythms?

When we learn to trust ourselves, our heart is our greatest ally. It will become the compass that guides us to our true north, and back home to ourselves.


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Madison Denk Madison Denk

Taking an Integrative Approach to Your Health

Integrative Nutrition is the unifying of seemingly separate factors that provide our body, mind, and Spirit nourishment. Coined by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, this practice is meant to show a unique perspective on food. Yes, food is vital for our physical health but there is also a psycho-emotional-spiritual component to our relationship with food. Similarly, our daily life habits and rhythms such as our sleep cycle, self-talk, and relationships, provide us with nourishment in ways that directly affect our physical health.

What is good for the body is good for the mind is good for the Spirit.

Integrative Nutrition is the process of bridging the gap between the mental and emotional components of nutrition and wellbeing. For example, if you are suffering from a chronic condition such as high blood pressure you may be placed on some type of medication to manage your symptoms, but this does not get to the underlying source of your hypertension. That is the same as pulling the tops off weeds every week. You know they will grow back, and you will continue expending energy fighting them off. To resolve the problem and get rid of the weeds, you need to pull it up by the root.

Following the previous example of high blood pressure, through an integrative lens, you can begin to assess what type of food makes up your diet, how much you are moving your body, your quality of sleep each night, as well as emotional components. Our mental and emotional state signal our level of wellbeing to the body. If we fail to express anger and struggle to create healthy boundaries, it can leave us feeling powerless and grasping for control. These subconscious thought patterns can trigger an inflammatory response in the body. They signal to the body that we are not well and not safe, so it will do what it does best and fight to keep you alive. But when we are regularly living in this type of distressed state, this inflammation response will begin to manifest as physical pain and illness.

We often know what needs to change or at least have an idea, but cannot push through the resistance by ourselves. Working with an Integrative Nutrition coach, also known as a Holistic Health Coach, can help as you implement lifestyle changes towards better health. Trained to combat the overwhelming process of beginning, these coaches serve as a guide and a facilitator as you begin to shift your overall lifestyle rhythms and habits.

This can look like:

  • Sharing educational information based on your health goals

  • Brainstorming forms of movement that feel fun

  • Reconnecting with childhood hobbies that bring you joy

  • Eliminating toxins in your environment

  • Accessing choices where you thought there were none

  • Inspiring action

  • Providing accountability

  • Working through resistance together

  • Holding space for pent up emotions to be processed

The intention behind Integrative Nutrition is to broaden your perception of what contributes to health and wellbeing. This helps bridge the emotional awareness gap between your daily lifestyle choices and your quality of life. Your mind, body, and Spirit are intimately connected, and they are always communicating to one another, and you. This approach provides you with more freedom to reclaim your power over your life and reconnect to the truth of who you are at the core.

Whether you are fighting a chronic illness or a mental and emotional condition, you do not need to untangle yourself alone.

If you are ready to take the next step towards building sustainable habits and want to partner with an Integrative Nutrition Coach, reach out now and schedule a complimentary clarity call with Madison to see if working together is right for you.

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Madison Denk Madison Denk

22 New Years Resolutions That Are Not Centered Around Diets & Weight Loss

Ringing in the New Year is often accompanied by making commitments to become a better version of ourselves. And although, any day is great day to start something new, the symbolic meaning of New Years Day can be a great catalyst for new beginnings. It takes a great deal of courage and bravery to start the path of self discovery and growth. Unfortunately, there are thousands of companies that capitalize on this movement and sell diets, shakes, detoxes and weight loss as the key to happiness. Spoiler alert, it’s not. In fact, constantly focusing on the number on the scale, limiting calories to 1200 a day, and restricting major food groups is the surest way to damage your health & wellbeing. You are not a problem that needs to be solved, or damaged goods that need to be fixed. That doesn’t mean you should accept the status quo, if you’re not happy & healthy, then something isn’t working for you anymore. Just be sure the goal is to enhance the best parts of you, and not to destroy the “worst” parts.

  1. Declutter 1 Item Each Day

    Reduced clutter is linked to reduced stress, anxiety, and better sleep. Our homes are a direct reflection of our minds. When we have less clutter around us we are more likely to have less clutter in our heads as well. If you are struggling with feeling overwhelmed, decluttering can be a great place to start. Less stuff means less energy spent caring and maintaining that stuff. Excessive clutter can hold old, stagnant energy, which can interrupt your personal energy as well. Think about it, every object has a purpose. If you have hundreds of objects shoved into corners, not serving their purpose, that is the energy you are living in.

    2. Journal Before Bed

    Relaxing bed time rituals are key for better sleep and over well being. As you walk around during the day, you think thousands of thoughts, see thousands of sights, and so on. All the information you have been processing can get stuck in our minds and bodies. Making it difficult to unwind at the end of the day. Journaling is a great way to give all of those experiences a place to live that is not in your head.

    3. Read 1 Book a Month

    Knowledge is power. Imagination is play. No matter your preferred genre, regular reading is vital for brain functioning, sleep, and can even be a powerful too for exploring intense emotions in a more manageable way. You can join a book club or start digging through your personal collection, there is no wrong way to begin!

    4. Stretch in the Morning

    Stretching is often treated as the ugly duckling in the movement family. Weightlifting, running marathons, and intricate yoga poses (although awesome) tend to over shadow this vital part of physical health. Stretching keeps our muscles healthy & strong, as well as, lowers our risk of injury. If you have a goal of moving your body more in the upcoming year, stretching is an easy and powerful place to start!

    5. Save $100 a Month

    Financial stability is a vital piece of holistic health. Ongoing stress over makings ends meet, saving, and investing for the future contribute to chronic conditions such as headaches, stomach aches, high blood pressure, and more. A recent poll done by CNBC revealed that finances are the number one cause of stress for Americans. Savings can turn a catastrophe into an inconvenience.

    6. Hike Every Full Moon

    This unique resolution checks so many health boxes! More time outside, regular movement, and having a spiritual practice (such intentionally working with the lunar cycles) does wonders for overall health. Find a buddy, research some local trails & enjoy the moonlight.

    7. Buy 1 New Grocery Item a Week From a Local Business

    Support local! This is a common declaration but many of us continue send the majority of our heard earned money to big businesses. Supporting your local businesses is great for your local economy and you!. Eating in season fruits and vegetables is good for your wallet and your health.

    8. Monthly Random Acts of Kindness

    You know that sparkly, joyous feeling you get when you watch your loved ones open their gifts on Christmas? Well that does not need to be condensed to one month a year. Setting aside time and money to intentionally give back to those in your community is a major serotonin boost for everyone! It can be as extravagant as paying for someone’s groceries, or as simple as letting someone cut in front of you in line. Kindness is the cure for all that hostility present in the world today.

    9. Listen to Positive Affirmations During Commute to Work

    We live in a highly stressful world and it has been particularly challenging these past few years. Negative thoughts can become full blown cognitive distortions when repeated habitually. Depending on what state your mental health is, positive affirmations can serve as that boost to lift your spirits. Practiced enough and you may even begin to believe these positive words and integrate them as truth!

    10. Reduce Screen Time by 1 Hour per Day

    In our modern world it really isn’t realistic to try and cut out screens altogether. But excessive screen time is linked to disrupted sleeping patterns, unhealthy weight gain, anxiety, depression, and more. A good mark would be around 2 hours of screen time outside of work duties. If you are way over that marker, don’t worry! Instead of mindlessly scrolling to decompress, try streaming your favorite podcast while you tidy up the house.

    11. Do a Family Craft For Each Major Holiday

    It can be challenged squeezing in quality family time amongst all of life’s responsibilities. But forming strong & secure connections is the #1 practice for a healthier and happier life. So do some digging on Pinterest and find a fun project to let everyone’s creative spirit shine.

    12. Try 1 New Plant Based Recipe a Week

    This goes for any vegan, vegetarian, or omnivore. Whether you are strictly plant based or love your steaks and hamburgers, more plants means better health. A wide variety of plants contributes to a wide variety microorganisms that contribute to your gut health. This is key for overall health!

    13. Find Movement That Feels Fun

    Have you ever been in this scenario? A New Year begins, you vow to run on your treadmill every day despite your disdain for it, quit after a week, and then blame yourself for not being disciplined enough to follow through? Maybe you can’t stick to that goal because you hate running on a treadmill! There is no one size fits all rules for healthy movement. Finding movement that feels FUN for you is crucial for making it a habit. What are somethings you loved to do as a child? Dancing, exploring the woods, or jumping rope can make you feel like a kid again!

    14. Sleep 8 Hours Per Night

    You need sleep! Quality sleep to be specific. Sleep in the fundamental building block to holistic health. Without quality sleep you can suffer from hormonal imbalances, risk of diabetes, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, a weaker immune system, memory issues, and much more. So set that bedtime reminder, dim the lights, and get to bed!

    15. 10 Minute Walk After Lunch

    Do you get an hour lunch break, inhale your meal in 15 minutes and then spend the other 45 minutes on your phone? Walking is my personal favorite form of movement, especially when I can do it outside. Regular walks (especially directly after a meal) are great for managing blood sugar levels, enhancing your mood, and keeping your heart healthy.

    16. Start A Garden

    It’s true that the best tasting food is home grown. And that deep sense of accomplishment that comes from growing your own tomato is indescribable. Whether you have a yard to set up an entire raised bed garden or can start with some herbs in a pot on your windowsill, connecting with nature helps remind us that we are not separate from nature.

    17. Meditate for 5 Minutes Before Getting Out of Bed

    The benefits of a regular meditation practice are plentiful! From lessened anxiety symptoms to improved immune responses, the practice of sitting with your inner world can be the difference between persevering during challenges and stopping short of your breakthrough. This is arguably one of the most difficult resolutions to stick with, so starting with only five minutes a day is a great way to get started. The good news is there is no real difference in benefits concerning the length of your meditations. So anything counts!

    18. Complete 1 Continued Education Course

    Whether you want to continue climbing the corporate ladder, finally start that side hustle, or expand your knowledge on a topic you are deeply interested in, continued education brings about a sense of fulfillment and growth. I personally believe being a life long learner helps you stay young, as well. Personal growth and evolutions is the reason life continues to expand and transform. If you get too comfortable your energy can become stagnant and your disposition ridged. Be open and willing to be a beginner again!

    19. Skincare regimen every night

    Healthy, glowing skin starts from the inside out, but that doesn’t mean you should neglect regular care of your skin. Adding a nightly skincare regimen into your bedtime routine can become a ritual that serves you well beyond the physical benefits. To turn this into a mindfulness practice, imagine your skin glowing and being infused with love as you wash and apply your serums. Plus, younger looking skin never hurts!

    20. Swap 1 Toxic Cleaning Product With a Clean Brand Every Month

    I could go on and on about sneaky toxins hiding in popular cleaning products, but the gist is, harsh chemicals can act like foreign estrogen hormones, causing hormonal imbalances, irregular periods, breast cancer, and more. They can be found in chemicals and plastics. This is my number one suggestion when clients suffer from PMS, PCOS, hyper/hypothyroidism, and any other hormonal imbalance.

    21. Monthly Date Nights

    Your relationship to your partner can take a hit between busy work schedules and taking care of the kids, pets, and home. So many report feeling disconnected from their significant other amongst life’s responsibilities. Weekly date nights are great but that doesn’t always fit in everyone’s schedule, or their budget. Committing to a date night with your partner (or your Self if you are single) can help keep that foundation solid.

    22. Donate $20 a Month

    Charitable giving is something I strongly believe in. If you want to receive more of anything, you first need to practice giving freely. Picking a local or international organization to regularly donate to is a wonderful way to bless others and foster and attitude of gratitude. What you put out into the world is what will come back to you, so you might as well make it filled with love.

The bottom line is this…

Health wellness is SO MUCH MORE than how heavy your body is. If you have goals this year that do involve losing weight and upping your nutrition game, just know that that is beautiful as well. Just make sure you are coming from a place of self love & respect rather than fear & self-loathing. Intention is everything.

If you are ready to transform your health & wellness (mentally, emotionally, or physically), learn how to create routines and rituals that will stick, and connect with your self empowerment, you can schedule a FREE Clarity Call here & see if working with me is the right fit for you.

Be Well,


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