Reiki Therapy


Reiki (ray-key) is a Japanese, energetic relaxation technique that uses “ki” to reduce stress and promote healing. “Ki” is the non-physical energy that animates all living things, and is more commonly known as chi or prana. When our Ki is free flowing and balanced, we will naturally find ourselves in a state of health and well-being.

Dis-ease and illness is a result of energetic blocks formed in the body’s meridians, chakras, and organs and these blocks restrict the flow of our healthy Ki.

Lifestyle habits that disrupt our health & vitality are :

  • Chronic Negative Thought Patterns

  • Chronic or Increased Stress

  • Diet lacking in nutrients & minerals (overly processed foods)

  • Unprocessed Emotions

  • Nervous System Dysregulation

  • Inflammation in the Body

  • Poor sleep quality

  • Sedentary Lifestyle

How Reiki Helps:

Reiki interacts with the body’s energetic biofield and reduces stress and tension by clearing and straightening energy meridians.

Practitioners act as a channel between clients and Reiki; this naturally occurring energy is transferred through the practitioners palms through direct touch.


We will discuss any specific areas of physical, emotional, or spiritual concern. You will then lay down on your back, fully clothed on a massage table with blankets, pillows, and supports to help you get comfortable. I often sound healing and aromatherapy can be included to provide a relaxed environment.

I will begin to provide the gentle Reiki energy around your body, sending it to your needed areas. This feels warm and tingly to some, while others may feel a deep sense of relaxation and peace. If you are experiencing an emotional and/or spiritual conflict, you may experience a deep and noticeable release, unblocking these emotionally energetic areas.

You can weave Reiki into your program of choice or add them as separate sessions.