Hello, I am so happy you are here!

My name is Madison Denk and I am an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach & Energy Healer.

I spent most of my youth as a Highly Sensitive Person suffering from debilitating anxiety, depression, and chronic illness. I was consequently prescribed various concoctions of medications as doctors told me it was just genetics, and I had no power over the symptoms I was experiencing in my daily life. Following this belief system, I struggled with developing healthy relationships, taking ownership of my responsibilities, and began self-medicating and abandoning all creative expressions (for me this was music & writing). And as time went on I found myself in despair.

My gut health was nonexistent after years of chronic stress and then trying to soothe that anxiety with fast food, alcohol, and overworking. Cystic acne, irregular cycles, over-the-top mood swings, and joint pain became a normal part of my life. But I was so wrapped up in my emotional pain I didn’t even think to consider my physical health as being a partner to my emotional and mental health.

When the discomfort of ignoring my pain became unendurable, I began my journey towards self-healing.  I began studying every doctor, therapist, and scholar I could find but there was still something missing. This is when my Spirit started to make itself known and I found myself in a Spiritual Awakening.

I went to work setting free blocked traumas and repressed emotions. I began studying emotional wellbeing. Then I went on to immerse myself into spiritual wellbeing. Fascination with physical wellbeing shortly followed. After years of exploring, I realized these are not separate subjects. They intertwine in the most delicate and intricate way that makes it difficult to even verbalize. Yes, we have layers to us. Our physical body, emotional body, mental body, and spiritual body are unique in their own right, but they are also simply different expressions of one being - YOU!

Since my Self Healing journey began in 2011, I am no longer controlled by my anxiety and depression. I have returned to school as a straight-A student, and I am enjoying building deeper connections with friends and clients. I married the man I didn’t feel worthy of having and together we are raising two bright (and Highly Sensitive) babes. Being here on Earth means our work is never truly done, but I have learned how to enjoy my life in the process.

Along the way, I have picked up some training and education to best support you on your health & wellness journey. Holding certifications as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Reiki Master & Cognitive Emotional Processing Coach, I enjoy using these modalities to assist you on your journey to Self Empowerment and healing. I even found a way to joyfully reconnect with music to bring Sound Healing into my practice to better serve you.

Reach out today for your free coaching consultation or to schedule an energy healing session!


 My Approach

Finding your Power is the Cornerstone of Plexus Holistic Health & Healing. So much of the pain in my personal journey is tied to outsourcing my power to other people that I deemed as more fit. But no one knows you better than you.

What your health looks like can only be answered by you. If you come to me and say “I wish to be healthy, make me healthy,” there is not enough money in the world that I could charge you to make that happen. Sure, I could try and maybe you would see some improvements and changes. But it would just be my projected idea of health for you. Leaving you feel hollow and like something is missing. It must come from you.

I deeply believe that our physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies are universally intelligent on their own. When these aspects of us begin to speak through emotions, disharmony, and dis-ease within the body, we are being informed of a space within us that needs our loving attention and focus. And when we can consciously choose to listen, our intuition empowers us with the knowledge we need to heal ourselves.

If this makes you shake, fear not! You don’t have to go at it alone. I am here to support you every step of the way.


Envision it

Health, just like anything else, starts with a vision. What does being healthy look like for you? What does it feel like in your body? What do your energy levels look like? How do you move your body? What does your relationship to food look like? How do you talk to yourself? How do you talk to others? Do your thoughts race through your mind or drift like clouds?

If you can imagine what the ideal picture of health looks like for you, then your health journey has already begun.

Create it

Together we will create a plan tailored to your unique goals and needs. I will serve as a guide as you make new choices surrounding your health & wellness. Together we will explore what works, what doesn’t and how we can dissolve the obstacles in your way. I can’t promise it will always be easy but I can promise you that you wont have to go at it alone.