Intuitive Readings


 Intuitive Readings:

Channeled messages from Spirit.

The future is not set in stone. Sure, we have some fated life events that are bound to show up. But overall, we have free will and our future is continuously shifting based on the choices we make in each present moment. For this reason, I do not use cards as a fortune telling tool.

]Tarot & Oracle Card Readings are a way to asses the current energy. It allows us to gain a higher perspective for our lives and have a clearer understanding on what our next steps should be.

Feel free to set an intention for your reading or allow the universe to deliver whatever message is needed most at this time.


Interested in a more in depth approach to readings?

Check out my Cards & Coaching Program!

Cards & Coaching is a unique coaching package I have put together to combine my love of tarot readings and my skill set of coaching. This package is designed for those who are looking for guidance on their spiritual path.

Being extrasensory I can more easily perceive things than meets the eye. The information I am able to gather from my readings is so valuable because it comes from a loving, higher perspective. But I noticed that even the juiciest of readings can leave clients feeling more confused. They have a beautiful message but don’t know what to do with it. As we begin to explore how this message relates to where you are we will pair this with how you can begin making any necessary changes towards your spiritual goals.

For more information on this program click here.