Sound Healing

 Sound Healing:

Sound healing is an ancient modality that has roots in various cultures around the globe. Using vibrations from musical instruments or voice, the sound releases energetic blockages, promoting a state of ease and relaxation in your mind and body. This makes it easier to reach a meditative state in a shorter amount of time.


What is sound healing?

Sound Healing promotes healing in multiple ways. First, by using the sound waves from the instruments to shift our brainwave frequencies from Beta (active and engaged) to Theta and Alpha (deep relaxation, calm, and creative). When our minds are in a transcendental meditative state, emotional, mental, and physical blocks and imbalances are more easily perceived and released.

Sound also promotes energetic healing by restoring the natural resonance of each chakra by tuning up the vibrations with the sound frequency of the instruments. Our chakras are the energy centers in our body that house life force energy. They each resonate at a specific vibration that corresponds to musical notes. These energy centers can become unbalanced or blocked when we experience too much physical or emotional stress. Like when a musician uses a tuning fork to tune their instrument so the notes being played are in harmony, the practitioner uses the Crystal Singing Bowls to find harmony between the notes being played and the vibration of the chakra.

This modality is currently being studied for its effects on neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to change its structure) and our bodies touch fibers that play a role in pain reception. This could be revolutionary for individuals suffering from chronic pain.